Recruiting Machine 4.0

Introducing the only ATS/CRM backed by a nationwide team of expert, U.S. based Recruiters, Sourcers and Recruitment Marketing professionals ready to jump in and help you fill any position at the click of a button.

Recruiting Machine provides the key capabilities you expect from a first class ATS::

  • create and manage the status of requisitions;
  • promote your open positions internally and externally;
  • attract, evaluate, disposition, communicate with and manage the status of applicants and candidates;
  • demonstrate OFCCP compliance;
  • report on the above; and more.

But unlike other ATSs, Recruiting Machine also provides:

  1. An interface that makes you actually enjoy using the system. Recruiting Machine’s beautiful new UI has been designed to accommodate both the beginning user who wants to keep things as basic as possible and the power user who wants to exploit all of the advanced features – many of which either do not exist or cost extra in other systems.
  2. Decision Toolbox’s scalable team of expert recruiters, sourcers and recruitment marketing professionals, on-call. If you ever wish your recruiting team was scalable, now it is. The click of a button in Recruiting Machine instantly puts one or more senior, U.S. based Decision Toolbox recruiters and/or sourcers onto your team on an hourly or extremely affordable per-position basis. And our professional writers create opportunity descriptions in a way that pulls in your most desirable, yet selective candidate prospects.dt_xsmall_logo_tagless